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Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Rain or Shine

Betsy Lewin, Illustrator
Harcourt Children's Books

In this fourth book in the series, Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa are ready for rainy-day adventures--or are they? Cocoa's not so sure he wants to get wet. And thunder can be a little frightening. But whatever the weather, these cowpoke pals are sticking together.

With snappy text and silly illustrations, Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa are as feisty as ever. So pull on your slicker for a little stormy weather and a lot of splashy fun.

“Everyone-kids and teachers alike-loves this series…Silverman's characters are true-to-life, and always have something to teach us about responsibility, loyalty, and friendship.... easy to read...yet clever enough to hold everyone's interest...Please, Silverman/Lewin, continue with your creations: Kate and Cocoa are winners”
Margo Hill, South Sound Book Review Council

"...exemplary text, well calibrated to new readers' abilities..." Booklist

".... A weatherproof entry in an ever-improving series." Horn Book